Thursday, October 30, 2008

ok ok ok

so you missed me, I was wrong to assume otherwise. :)

well make no mistake about it, I adore each and everyone of my 4 followers. So much so that if I could bake, (which I cannot) I would totally mail you all little sugar pumpkin cookies in light of the season. Or maybe if we are going in "light" of the current season, I would bake little American flag cookies. But either way the fact remains that I simply Cannot bake.

I am going to skip the intro and the build up here because I'm just to excited to wait any longer.

I HAVE FIGURED OUT WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY FUTURE. or better yet I feel like God has finally given me a snippet of where he wants to direct me in the future. I simply CANT FREAKING WAIT.

There are so many things that I long to do with my life. In fact, the Mr. and I were walking around my favorite part of the city on Sunday and I randomly blurted out, "I really hope I do something great with my life." his obvious reply was "you will babe, you will." But honestly, I think there are two ways of looking at that statement.

One, if you believe that you are on your own, making choices and that the outcomes are not purposeful, only the effect of the choice you previously made.

well than yes, one could only HOPE to do something great with their life.

Two, if you believe that Jesus Christ has your heart. If you believe that, than no matter WHAT you CHOOSE to do with your life, as long as your following his voice and praying earnestly about the desires he has for your future than no matter WHAT you do, be it the smallest simplest every day thing, it is going to make an impact on someone somewhere which in turn will ripple through to someone else. Nothing that you do will not be HUGE.

I believe that as a christian, and as my love for the father grows, he calls and points me into different random directions all the time. Its simply up to me whether or not I want to follow. I could choose to do something that I think would be big with my life. Granted it could be HUGE, but would it really change the life's of others around me, or would I be just another name in the book of someone who did something. Or I could choose to simply sit back and listen with patients for the next step or direction, than go for it. Yes my name may not go down in history for any recognition as someone who did something great, but I would rather be underground changing lives, giving hope and love, than be standing on a pedestal somewhere.

Wow, so I know I said I was just going to come right out and spew my new vision on my future but it appears that I also appears that I am out of time so that my friends will be the topic of my next post......stay tuned :)


1 comment:

Random Hiccups said...

Oh I am so glad that god has showed you a clear vision of what you should be doing with your future! Our God is a Great and Mighty God!

In my life I have found that the times just before great clarity are the darkest. The time before I met the Fi were the hardest for me. The times before I moved to South Africa were disasterous. Then, after the time of testing he allowed me clarity of thought peace and the greatest Joy. It is this feeling of peace and joy I pray we will never lose eve when the time of the next testing is underway.

It is so fantastic to read your posts. Don't give up!