That appears to be the situation here....:)
I'm sorry I continuously put off writing my life into words..not that any of my oh so lovely followers are actually sitting around with worry or grief but even still I do apologize.
I just feel that as of late, not only has my life been ridiculously busy, but it has just been one of those months where I'm so confused and frantic about all and everything that I really cant even bring myself to put it into words. There really aren't any updates to give or advice to share. I still struggle day to day with the desire to make it to the gym and than following that the desire to eat healthy and Not have the "last cookie" to speak. I still have to slap my wrist every day for buying my latte instead of making it at home, or when I do make it at home I have to slap my wrist for drinking five cups as opposed to one. I am still contemplating this whole new "looooove thing" with the Mr. Which side note......
How crazy is it that the Mr. and I have in fact been dating for about 5 months now....yeah
Funny story- so neither of us could remember when we started dating, and than via facebook, I traced back our conversations and figured it was towards the end of June....I am so not the sentimental type....He asked me the other day if I remembered our first kiss and I looked at him and started bad.
Im still sad and confused about the whole bff situation.....which is turning into quite the dead end...I might be taking applications for a new one lol because mine SUCKS right now.
Yes and other than those day to day thoughts endeavurs and struggles, I have the week to week struggle...A.K.A...MATH CLASS.
It meets every Monday night...and every Monday night I am a basket case....
I spend pretty much all weekend long with my nose in my book and than when I actually get to lecture every ounce of information I had in my brain exits stage left and Im left with a big lump in my throat and a deer in headlights expression....did I ever mention my Monday night classes are FOUR stinking hours long. wwwaaaahhh
OUR ECONOMY SUCKS....I wont rant on it lol...but it was just one final thought that I had....
It actually crossed my mind today as I was about to go blow money (because I shop when Im feeling ANY sort of emotion lol) that I probably should save it instead because I to might loose my job tomorrow and than be STUCK with all this debt and no income....
Whoa whoa whoa, before I close this- how could I forget to mention the biggest Praise the Lord of them all...or for future reference, I like to refere to these as PTL's....
My macy's card DOT DOT DOT is down to two hundred dollars...THATS CHUMP CHANGE....yahhhoooo one card almost down and threeeee more to go. :)
alright my blogger friends,
Check ya Later :)
I was so sitting around wondering if you actually died or fell off the planet!! lol
I sat around in agony :)
Ok but seriously! I really enjoy your posts!
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